Friday, November 2, 2007


Forgive me for going out of order for a minute. Especially when I left you hanging for so long after that last post. Autism has been on TV and in the news a lot in the last month. I have been watching and it brings a lot back. Autism is everyday for us. Some days it is louder and more consuming that others.

It was hard hearing my son had a developmental delay. It was hard hearing he had an autism spectrum disorder. It was even harder to read, and I read it first on the internet, that a cause was suspected BEFORE my son was even born. The "one size fits all" approach had already been called to question. That was hard to read. VERY HARD. This did not have to happen to my son. It is hard, heart breaking really, to know that it is still happening. Mothers are still going in for well child visit and being mis-informed about the vaccines that their child is receiving. More children will be diagnosed with autism. It is hard to go on the message boards and see posts that say "newly diagnosed", "New here, need help". That is hard. More children. More families. More lives being turned upside down by autism. Yes, it is still upsetting. Yes, I am still angry. Yes, I am still continuing to heal my son.