Monday, August 6, 2007

My Intro to Autism

I play with the computer when the kids go to bed. Well, it is still "kid" at this time - May 2003.

I google "Global Developmental Delay". I want to learn about what more I can do for my son. I come up with many pages that refer to autism. I keep looking.

I am sure it won't be a surprise when I say that in May of 2003, I know very little about autism. I sa RainMan and the little I find online talks about isolated kids who bang their heads and want to be alone and scream when they are touched. That was my internal picture of a boy with autism. One who sits alone in a corner huddled and rocking. This internal picture did not match with the happy boy that I knew at home.

Like I said, at this time, I was dismissing anything that mentioned autism. Autism scared me and I did not want anything to do with it but I kept reading. I was not sleeping well and would go to the computer in the middle of the night when I could not sleep. I am an action person and I needed to do something.

I was getting comfort from new ideas from speech delay websites and doing the lessons from M's speech therapist that we are seeing each week.

M was also approved for a total of 2 hrs of early intervention. He has OT for 30 mins once a week and a developmental intervention with two 45 minute sessions. I feel better that at least something is happening.

Next is how M felt about all these new people coming into our house.

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